Using LinkedIn’s Built-in Features to Increase Visibility and Attract New Leads

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, with over 740 million members in more than 200 countries and territories. It is a powerful platform for building your personal brand, expanding your network, and generating leads for your business. However, many people are not aware of the various features that LinkedIn offers to help you achieve these goals. In this blog post, we will explore some of the built-in features that LinkedIn provides to help you increase your visibility and attract new leads. These features are:

  1. LinkedIn Advertising
  2. LinkedIn Lead Generation
  3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn Advertising is a feature that allows you to create and run paid campaigns to reach your target audience on LinkedIn. You can use LinkedIn Advertising to promote your content, products, services, events, or webinars to the people who matter most to your business. You can also use LinkedIn Advertising to generate leads, drive traffic, increase brand awareness, or boost engagement.


LinkedIn Advertising offers various types of ads, such as:

1. Sponsored Content

These are native ads that appear in the LinkedIn feed and showcase your content, such as articles, videos, or infographics. You can use Sponsored Content to share valuable insights, educate your audience, or tell your brand story.

2. Sponsored Messaging

These are personalized messages that are delivered to your prospects’ LinkedIn inboxes. You can use Sponsored Messaging to start conversations, nurture relationships, or invite people to take action.

3. Text Ads

These are simple and cost-effective ads that appear on the right rail or the top banner of LinkedIn. You can use Text Ads to drive traffic to your website or landing page or to generate leads with a compelling offer.

4. Dynamic Ads

These are personalized ads that use your prospects’ profile data, such as their name, photo, or job title, to create relevant and engaging ads. You can use Dynamic Ads to attract followers, drive traffic, or generate leads.

5. Video Ads

These are short and captivating videos that appear in the LinkedIn feed or as standalone ads. You can use Video Ads to showcase your products, services, or testimonials, or to tell your brand story.

6. Carousel Ads

These are interactive ads that display multiple images or cards that users can swipe through. You can use Carousel Ads to showcase multiple features, benefits, or stories of your products or services.

To use LinkedIn Advertising, you need to create a LinkedIn Campaign Manager account, which is a central hub where you can manage all your LinkedIn ad campaigns. You can access LinkedIn Campaign Manager from your LinkedIn homepage or by visiting this link.

In LinkedIn Campaign Manager, you can create and launch your ad campaigns, set your budget and schedule, choose your target audience, measure your results, and optimize your performance. You can also use LinkedIn Campaign Manager to access various tools and resources, such as:

1. LinkedIn Audience Network

This is a network of partner websites and apps where you can extend the reach of your Sponsored Content or Video Ads beyond LinkedIn. You can use the LinkedIn Audience Network to reach more of your target audience and increase your impressions, clicks, and conversions.

2. LinkedIn Insight Tag

This is a piece of code that you can install on your website or landing page to track the actions that your LinkedIn ad visitors take on your site. You can use LinkedIn Insight Tag to measure your return on ad spend, optimize your campaigns, and create remarketing audiences.

3. LinkedIn Website Demographics

This is a tool that shows you the professional characteristics of your website visitors, such as their industry, job function, company size, or seniority. You can use LinkedIn Website Demographics to understand your audience better, tailor your content, or refine your targeting.

4. LinkedIn Matched Audiences

This is a feature that allows you to target your existing contacts, such as your email list, website visitors, or CRM data, on LinkedIn. You can use LinkedIn Matched Audiences to re-engage your prospects, nurture your leads, or increase your conversions.

5. LinkedIn Conversion Tracking

This is a tool that helps you measure the number of leads, sign-ups, purchases, or other valuable actions that your LinkedIn ads generate. You can use LinkedIn Conversion Tracking to track your campaign performance, calculate your cost per lead, or optimize your bidding strategy.

LinkedIn Advertising is a powerful feature that can help you reach your ideal customers and grow your business. However, to use LinkedIn Advertising effectively, you need to have a clear goal, a well-defined audience, a compelling offer, and a relevant landing page. You also need to monitor your results, test different variables, and optimize your campaigns accordingly.

LinkedIn Lead Generation

LinkedIn Lead Generation is a feature that allows you to collect high-quality leads from your LinkedIn ads or organic posts. You can use LinkedIn Lead Generation to capture your prospects’ contact information, such as their name, email, phone number, or company name, without them leaving LinkedIn. You can also use LinkedIn Lead Generation to qualify your leads, segment your audience, or automate your follow-up.

LinkedIn Lead Generation offers two types of forms, namely:

1. Lead Gen Forms

These are forms that are pre-filled with your prospects’ LinkedIn profile data, making it easy for them to submit their information with just a few clicks. You can use Lead Gen Forms with your Sponsored Content, Sponsored Messaging, or Dynamic Ads.

2. Conversation Ads

These are forms that are embedded in a conversational interface, allowing you to interact with your prospects and guide them through a personalized journey. You can use Conversation Ads with your Sponsored Messaging.

To use LinkedIn Lead Generation, you need to create a LinkedIn Campaign Manager account, if you don’t have one already. You can access LinkedIn Campaign Manager from your LinkedIn homepage or by visiting this link.

In LinkedIn Campaign Manager, you can create and launch your lead generation campaigns, choose your target audience, design your forms, measure your results, and download your leads. You can also use LinkedIn Campaign Manager to access various tools and resources, such as:

1. LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Testing Tool

This is a tool that allows you to preview and test your Lead Gen Forms before launching your campaigns. You can use the LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Testing Tool to check the appearance, functionality, and performance of your forms.

2. LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Reporting

This is a tool that shows you the metrics and insights of your Lead Gen Forms, such as the number of impressions, clicks, leads, or cost per lead. You can use LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Reporting to evaluate your campaign performance, identify your best-performing forms, or optimize your campaigns.

3. LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Integrations

These are integrations that allow you to connect your Lead Gen Forms with your CRM, marketing automation, or email marketing platforms, such as HubSpot, Marketo, Salesforce, or Mailchimp. You can use LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Integrations to sync your leads, automate your follow-up, or measure your ROI.

LinkedIn Lead Generation is a feature that can help you generate high-quality leads from your LinkedIn ads or organic posts. However, to use LinkedIn Lead Generation effectively, you need to have a clear goal, a well-defined audience, a compelling offer, and a relevant landing page. You also need to follow up with your leads promptly, nurture them with valuable content, or guide them to the next step in your sales funnel.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a feature that helps you find, connect, and engage with your ideal prospects on LinkedIn. You can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to access advanced search filters, personalized recommendations, real-time insights, and in-mail messages. You can also use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to manage your pipeline, track your activities, and measure your results.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers three types of plans, namely:

1. Professional

This is a plan that is designed for individual sales professionals who want to find and contact new prospects, get insights and alerts, and track their performance.

2. Team

This is a plan that is designed for sales teams who want to collaborate and share insights, get CRM integrations, and access team management tools.

3. Enterprise

This is a plan that is designed for large sales organizations that want to get unlimited seats, custom integrations, and dedicated support.

To use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you need to sign up for a free trial or a paid subscription, depending on your needs and budget. You can access LinkedIn Sales Navigator from your LinkedIn homepage or by visiting this link.

In LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can create and manage your account, set your preferences, build your lists, search for prospects, send messages, and monitor your results. You can also use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to access various tools and resources, such as:

1. LinkedIn Sales Navigator Learning Center

This is a resource that provides you with tutorials, videos, guides, and tips on how to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator effectively. You can use the LinkedIn Sales Navigator Learning Center to learn the basics, master the features, or discover best practices.

2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator Chrome Extension

This is an extension that allows you to access LinkedIn Sales Navigator features from your browser, such as Gmail, Outlook, or Salesforce. You can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator Chrome Extension to view profile details, save leads, or send messages without leaving your workflow.

3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator Mobile App

This is an app that allows you to access LinkedIn Sales

Navigator features from your mobile device, such as iPhone, iPad, or Android. You can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator Mobile App to stay connected, get updates, or take action on the go.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a feature that can help you find, connect, and engage with your ideal prospects on LinkedIn. However, to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator effectively, you need to have a clear goal, a well-defined audience, a compelling value proposition, and a personalized approach. You also need to leverage the insights, alerts, and recommendations that LinkedIn Sales Navigator provides to stay relevant, timely, and trustworthy.

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for building your brand, expanding your network, and generating leads for your business. However, to make the most of LinkedIn, you need to use its built-in features that can help you increase your visibility and attract new leads. These features are:

1. LinkedIn Advertising

This is a feature that allows you to create and run paid campaigns to reach your target audience on LinkedIn.

2. LinkedIn Lead Generation

This is a feature that allows you to collect high-quality leads from your LinkedIn ads or organic posts.

3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

This is a feature that helps you find, connect, and engage with your ideal prospects on LinkedIn.

By using these features, you can boost your online presence, showcase your value, and grow your sales pipeline. However, you also need to have a clear strategy, a well-defined audience, a compelling offer, and a relevant landing page. You also need to monitor your results, test different variables, and optimize your campaigns accordingly.

We hope you found this blog post useful and informative. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for reading and happy LinkedIn-ing! 😊

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