The predominant cultural belief of modern society has imposed upon men certain specifications on the male body. This is probably the reason why people are so into male bodybuilding nowadays since muscular looks seem to be the defining factor in assessing a man’s masculinity.

But what exactly is male bodybuilding? It’s going to the gym and lifting weights, right? Not. If anything, bodybuilding is a more refined form of weightlifting for it takes into heart the ideology of aesthetic body shape, tone, and mass.

In bodybuilding circles, the word can take on different meanings and anyone can have a different view on health and nutrition. For some, bodybuilding is a sport. For others, it is a science. Still, others believe bodybuilding is a form of art. But no matter how it is categorized, one thing is certain: male bodybuilding is too complex to be relegated to a single category.

MALE BODYBUILDING | man in tank top holding dumbbell
Photo by Josef Pascal

The Four Principles

In bodybuilding, there are only four parameters to keep in mind, and those are nutrition, recuperation, supplementation, and exercise. Before going down to the specifics of each of these four principles of male bodybuilding, it is important to know that gaining the ultimate potential can only be achieved if 100% maximum effort is given to each factor.

For the best results in male bodybuilding, one must adapt to the best training regimen. And the best training regimen is one that never allows you to skip a meal and never lets you forget to take your supplements. Good nutrition and supplementation are the keys to bodybuilding. A common thought that any bodybuilding fan knows is that if you’re not growing, then you’re not eating enough.

Male bodybuilding also focuses not only on nutrition and exercise but on recuperation as well. After lifting huge weights in the gym and going through rigorous bodybuilding routines. It is the only way to ensure that the body receives adequate rest. This is also the time when the muscle starts to grow and recover.

The HIT Male Bodybuilding System

HIT stands for Highly Intensive Training. Most bodybuilders use HIT as their primary system. It is, incidentally, the most taxing but also the most effective bodybuilding program out there.

The HIT male bodybuilding system centers around highly intense and infrequent workouts with an emphasis on compound movements and progression. What happens when muscles are torn and broken down in the gym? Muscle hypertrophy, or in layman’s terms, muscle growth. It is a completely normal bodily reaction, similar to how calluses form to protect the skin.

The HIT system of male bodybuilding takes advantage of this tendency of the muscles to rebuild themselves once broken down. Intensive male bodybuilding training increases the extent of the breakdown of the muscle and thus increases muscle gains.

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